Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Philly 2012 Global Fusion Music Festival.

A friend and I attended a music festival in July, in Philadelphia. I was going to blog about it that same day, but I was extremely tired. So late. I know and  I'm sorry!. I must say it was nice though. It was our first time going to music festival. I never really been to a music festival and I am so unfamiliar with the atmosphere.
There was lots of food, jewelry, clothing and tons of music.Musical guest included Elle Varner, Luke James, Kenny Latimore, Brandy just to name a few. I honestly wanted to see Brandy in person and hear her perform live and so did so many others who were standing behind me.

Unfortunately, when I arrived I didn't get a pic of Luke James up close. But, I did get to hear him perform "I Want You" way in the back ! Oh my, that man has such a beautiful gift. The tonality and range! His voice was so crisp and the real deal. None of that lip synch auto tune stuff.
It was scorching hot that day! I don't know how we managed to make it to the front in that heat. Surprisingly, we did not have any issues making it near the stage. We got there late and still managed to be that close before a crowd started growing. 

There were some folks I was unfamiliar with. Kendrick Lamar was one of them. Mind you I don't listen to rap. I have my reasons. I remember asking people " Who is that?" and they just looked at me and said " You don't know who that is?" I'm like "No, why you think I asked?" It was awkward, because everyone knew the words but me and my friend. The crowd was really feeling him.

  There were other guest appearances such as Kyla Pratt, Kenny Latimore, Tisha Campbell-Martin, AJ, Sheree from Housewives of Atlanta and the Crews family.
There were more celebrity guest, but I don't remember their names. Everyone was having a good time on stage. 

Finally, we got to see and hear Brandy on stage. Philadelphia showed her lots of love. She was so humble and such a sweetheart to her fans. She sung some of her popular classic tunes like  "I Wanna Be Down", "Full Moon", "Long Distance (a dedication to Whitney Houston)". Lastly, singing her latest single "Put It Down" which was the crowds favorite. 

She did an impeccable job and sounds just like her recordings. REAL! I was glad I stayed and attended. This was actually one of my "Dream and Goals to Be Fulfilled" listed in my journal. It really did end up happening.  I should have wrote down to personally meet Brandy, do an interview and hang with her for a day. Hey, it never hurts to dream. lol!
I really think this is Brandy's season and if she keeps it up she'll do fine. Overall, I believe this event turned out really nice. I will admit I had a good time. Everything worked out smoothly. I hope next time I can go backstage and be granted access to meet, take pics and interview. That sounds really cool! 
Hope you all enjoyed viewing the pics I took.
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