Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lyn Goes To Brooklyn (Recap)!

Hey Naturellettes,
I have a new post for you all today!

After drowning in assignments and going through some personal things. I recently took a miniature break this past week and decided to spend some time with a few of my sisters in my old hometown:  Brooklyn. The change of scenery and a little more social time was very much needed. So glad I took a break.
My sistah from anutha mutha (featured Fashionista here) and I, got to hang and took some pics of each other, while walking about in the beautiful neighborhood. Here are some of our photos. Enjoy!

Stop and smell the flowers!
I decided to put Ruth's beach wave curls in a ponytail because the breeze was sending her hair in all directions. No ponytail holder or hair spray needed. I  gathered her hair, used stray strands to wrap around it until it stayed in place. You can leave the bangs and some of the layered sides out.
Shoes: Aldos
To get the appearance of longer legs, wearing shorter lengths  and heels can do the trick. 
Twenty something category!
Rock  neon bra straps underneath your tank.
Flat Sandals:
Micheal Kors
I just love directing and being behind the lens. I get in that zone and just SHOOT!
Sunnies: Marc Jacob

My silly behind always want to jump in a picture! Which is why I need to stay behind the camera .
Why not test my new shoes from  HERE 
 This is a closer look:

Child please, you know I made sure I had my flats with me.

I must add, Ruth did a good job behind the lens. Caught on kind of quick, lol! 

Team Short and Team Natural over and out!


  1. Gorgeous photos! I love your fro! And you're such a good art director, you have a good eye for photography. I really love the shots of you at the end. And I'm so glad you took the time out to recharge. Going home always makes me feel that way too so awesome :)

    The Indie Byline

  2. Veryyyyyy nice pictures! Looks like you had an amazing time, yall both look so cute!

    1. COURTNEYYYYYY! Hi doll, how are you? Thanks, I did just wish it wasn't so short!

  3. Really nice pictures. Love your outfits <3

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