Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gumby and Kid 'N' Play Hair Cuts Are Back!

Photo from:  
I guess there is some truth to history repeating itself, especially when it comes to style and trends. This summer we are seeing some of the 90's throwbacks hitting us right on top of our heads!
The popular Hi-top fade and the Gumby.
We've all seen these cuts from Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Big Daddy Kane to Kid N' Play.
 Oh don't forget Gumby. I use to love watching that show. He was setting a trend back then too. I remember growing up in Brooklyn and the fellas use to always tell the barbers "Yo, hook me up with the Gumby!" Everywhere you go someones hair was either blocking your view. Sometimes, it was necessary. Heck, when the sun was out I knew where I could get some shade. lol!
     Fast forward and this throwback has made its comeback. Now B-ball players like Brandon Jennings and  Nerlens Noel are sporting them.

Even the ladies got the Vanessa Huxtable/ Gumby going on now!

Photo from:
Now the question is would I rock this trend? Umm heavens nawh! This is what my face looks like right about now!
  I really would have to be on something to do that. It's just not my kind of look. But I'm sure it looks great on some women, just not on me. Besides, with the length and amount of hair I have it would probably end up looking like this: 
Or this:
  I definitely don't want to end up looking like no Don King on the streets. I'll just leave it to the ones who find it more suitable to them. Its cute and all like I said before on some people just not on me. Any who, do you think this style should be a comeback or a throw it back all the way back?


  1. Lol at Yandy facial expression. I thought I was the only one who noticed these faces. Anywho, I noticed these looks were making a come back. Chef Robles look reminds me if the rapper Special ED

    1. Yeah you right! He (Chef Roble) is rocking this style. I don't know if you have seen the Target commercial with the kids sitting in the barber chair getting their hair cuts? Its making appearances. I bet the brothers will slowly get jerry curls, lol!

  2. LAUGHS @ the jerry curls quip! BOL Thanks to your blog, I found the IDEAL cut and did it yesterday! \0/ How do I look you might ask?---> ♫Iiiiiiiiin west Philadelphia bawn-n-raised...!♫

    I look quite good too -cheesin'-

    Blog on sistah! **puts fist of solidarity in the air** HAPPY HOLIDAZE! #trayvon

  3. Thanks Cal B! I wish I could see the photo. Are you on Facebook? I am sure it looks great on you. Have a blessed holiday. Will post some other stuff for hair. LOL *Fist up* and may be *fist pump philly style* whatever that is.


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