Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Naturelle Me...Sunday Modest Feature!

I am so late with this post, I know. Sorry!

It was such a beautiful Sunday morning and I have all the reasons to thank God. Even when the body is weak, the spirit is willing and boy my spirit was willing. That is why I thank God every chance I get for awakening my spirit, getting me up each morning and starting my day. I was not feeling well whatsoever and did not want to get out of bed. I was getting hit with aches. A fever that was on and off and a sore throat. I felt terrible!
But my spirit was not having it at all. It was pushing me to get up and go to church. I obeyed. Got myself together, and said Lord I am going to praise you anyhow, despite how I feel. So, I phoned a friend to see if I can hitch a ride with her and visit her church. I am so glad I went. There was some coughing here and there while in worship, but that did not hinder me from giving God praise. I was feeling better. My throat wasn't as sore as it was before and I didn't feel as achy as I was that morning. I don't have much of my voice back yet but I know I will regain it soon.
I got a great word on God's faithfulness even when we are faithless. That is something most of us must work on. Having faith and stepping out on faith as well as looking to please God and not people. Lastly, to know that when God has done great things for you before, he will do it again. So don't doubt. Keep pressing and trust in him to help you reach the unreachable and do the impossibles that you thought could not be done. He is a can do God, not a can't do God. He's so able. His word says it in  Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. (King James Version) Also here in 2 Corinthians 6:8 Besides, God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work.(International Standard Version). So go on ahead and have faith and trust in the Lord. Watch and see how much you can conquer. You're in good hands and Allstate sure can't give you that, lol!
And now, my Sunday Modest Feature 
Enjoy, and feel free to comment.

The Bauble Necklace

Necklace: Ebay
(Similar: Purchase here)

Dress: House of Fraser
Dress: Alice Temperley "Molina" (here)
The Platform Pumps
Shoes: Delicious (Purchase here)
Shoe: Aldos (here)
He is the sunshine and light in my life!
Let him shine, and remember we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalms 139:14


  1. Replies
    1. Aww, thanks Gina.Please keep in touch as well as visit the blog. If you have any prayer request feel free to email me We must always keep praying for one another that we can act on faith and be strong in the power of his might. God Bless!

  2. You looked great! Love that necklace!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Nat, I miss you hun. Come home soon and oh, HURRY UP! lol

  4. what a fun dress! i think the necklace goes great with it. and HEY! welcome to fashion & faith! You should totally check out the new fashion & faith blogger pinboard! it's too fun. xoxo linds {{}}

  5. Loving this and loving the music on this blog!

    Keep it up girl, and thanks for the follow!


    1. Hi Sewit!
      Thank you girl. I love your blog, it has some great things. That T-shirt looked just like the real Celine tee. You better, hmm do that! Please keep in touch and don't be a stranger.

      Many blessings to you!


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