Saturday, October 20, 2012

Review Of The Day: Basil + Seed + Honey= Drink!

Do you know what time it is?
Mens watch: Fossils
Borrowed from my Dad for my prop.
Clearly it's too big for my wrist. 
Womens watch: Fossils ( Purchase here)
Yup, it's time for
Naturelle Me... Review Of The Day.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across something. Well, my mother introduced me to it and I wanted to tell you about it.
Drum roll please! 
Ok I don't have any drums!  But I do have this:
The Basil Seed Drink with Honey
Mmm... sounds yummy doesn't it? 
Uh ...
When I first saw it, I was like "What in the heavens is this?
Looking closer at the picture I went on asking. "What is swarming in that glass?"  and of course more questions. "What is a basil seed? When did they have this drink out and where does my mom get these weird concoction for a drink?"

I'm sure it reads Basil Seed with Honey.
There it was, right on the table just staring at me. My mother on the other hand is just chugging this baby up like it was the last supper. And I'm looking at her like this:

She really liked it and thought that I should consider trying it before passing off judgment. Yes, I did hesitate a little. But could you blame me?

So, I said alright I'll give it a try. Mind you, my mom did not give me much detail or fair warning about the drink as I was bringing it to my mouth.
Before I spill the beans on what my taste buds experienced. Let me fill you in on the Basil Seed (Thai Basil).
 What is it ?
Basil Seed (Thai Basil) is a herb that is mostly found in  India and in the southern regions of Asia and is used in various Asian cuisines. The Thai basil itself has more of a licorice or anise flavor. The leaves are smaller than the regular basil leaves used in Italian cooking. There are an array of basil cultivars such as sweet basil, cinnamon basil (smells like cinnamon), holy basil, lemon basil and the list goes on.
Source: Knitting Non Pareil
Dry basil flowers. The stems (doesn't have pods) contain the
black seeds that you see above this picture.
Source: 500M2 In Sydney
The seeds when it sits in water can expand and produces a jelly like ball, which is used in drinks or as a dessert. To get the seeds, normally people wait till the plant turns dry and brown.
Do you see the seeds inside?
What are the benefits ?
Seeds are nutritious and a great source of fiber. Basil seeds (Thai basil) aid in digestion. It helps to relieve cramping, constipation, indigestion and irregular bowel movements. Relieves colds, stress and if crushed and mixed in oil can be used for skin infections or cuts.
I heard that it reduces your appetite and minimizes food cravings which results in weight loss. 
Why do you lose weight?
Due to its jelly or gelatinous texture as it swells in water, it makes you feel full, which could help to curb your appetite if you consume it before meals. 
Ingredients: Water, Basil seed, cane sugar, honey, banana flavor .
So now that you know a little bit about the basil seed, I will tell you how my tasting test went.  

Don't laugh!

As the can got closer, the liquid began to pour into my mouth. Suddenly, I felt a bunch of stuff enter my mouth and touch my tongue and palette. I instantly pulled away from the can with my mouth full. All I can hear is my mom  laughing and saying " Oh gosh girl, just chew it and swallow. You're always dramatic about everything" I didn't know what to do, it was as if I forgot how to swallow and chew at the same time. In my mind I was screaming " AHH what the big bird is this in my mouth?". I had to woman up and just drink it. I really felt like I was one of the contestants on Fear Factor. 

I chewed and I swallowed and you know what it wasn't that bad. It was weird but not bad. I poured some into my cup and this is what I found.
It freaked me out a little because you automatically think you just ingested tadpoles or some odd species. These were the basil seeds in their gelatinous form when soaked. Here is a closer look:
Soaked basil seeds
This actually taste good. It is sweet, not overly sweetened which is good.  I could taste the banana flavor that they added. The seeds were crunchy not hard to chew. I thought it was easier for me to chew and then swallow, some folks just gulp it down (like my mother). I like it and my mom loves it. My mom has been drinking this for about a week or two and she did say that she felt full and didn't have much of an appetite. And yes this is good for digestion. It did make it easier to go and didn't cause any stomach discomfort. Overall I think this drink is good. I wouldn't drink it simply because I don't want to lose weight. I would only drink it if I felt constipated. 

You can find this at any Asian market or buy online (here). Also, you can make it yourself all you need are the seeds, water and some honey and a little bit of pure sugar. But make sure you let the seeds soak to swell. 

P.S. You can do further research on your own if hesitant about it. Consult with your physician before trying if you are diabetic. If you choose to try, it feel free to let me know what your experience was like.

God Bless!


  1. creepy looking stuff.. But I'll try it one day!

    1. lol Yoline. I said the same thing, but it taste good. Let me know how it turned out for you.


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