Friday, July 19, 2013

Outfit of The Day: Neon, Print -N- Leather!

This summer I realized that I am slowly becoming a color addict. The color norm for me is the basic black and white. Since it is summer, I think I am  ready to liven it up a bit. Baby steps though, baby steps...

Here is my outfit of the day. Hope you like!

I was watching to see if any dog was going to pop out somewhere.
If there was, I will run with these heels on, bowlegged and all. lol!
Typical Haitian pose on the grass. I tried hard not to laugh while doing that!
I tried hard not to bust my tail standing on that thing while attempting to do a Micheal Jackson move.
Shoes: Qupid
Top: Forever 21
Bloggers be like: "Let me pose here right quick before they call the cops on me for taking pictures on their property!" lol 

Christian Bloggers be like: "Jesus, this aint even my car. But I'm taking this picture near it to let you know I have faith that I shall claim one just like it! YAAAASSSS... praise break!!!! 
The Body Guard! lol.

Thanks for stopping by.
God Bless!


  1. Love the layout of this post & the outfit!

    1. Thanks Courtney! It was time to change up a little.

  2. love your collage, and your hair is amazenballs


    1. Thanks Pretty Haute.Omgoodness I love your blog (Screaming Ahhhhh!)

  3. lmao!!! christian bloggers be like". funny
    i love your hair! outfit and oh those shoes! now following you on bloglovin


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