Monday, September 3, 2012

Naturelle Fashionista Of The Month!

Hi yall!
Hope you are enjoying your day off today. You all deserve it!
Today Naturelle Me... has a new feature that I would love for you to meet, it is this years FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH!
I had chance to meet up with this gorgeous natural to ask her a few questions.
As always,  I had to do a little photo shoot and capture a fashionable moment in NYC. 

Here's what we talked about. Enjoy!

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York

Describe your style.
My sense of style varies, I will wear a preppy look one day and the next day I will choose to go with either a classic or rock look. I love clothes and whatever, grabs my attention. That's the look i will go for!

What is your favorite style for Fall 2012?
The thing I love about the Fall is that sometimes you can still dress like its Summer with the option to mix your look with a sweater or jacket. I love wearing button downs and perfect fitting jeans.

What trend or color do you believe most folks will be rocking this Fall?

I believe this fall we will see a lot of cool and warm colors like burgundy, blue and mustard yellow

What trend are you sick of seeing this summer?
"Ill" fitted leggings or tights.
Bag: H and M, Shoes: LL Bean boat shoes, Watch: Armani Exchange
What are your favorite stores or brands?
My fave stores to shop now are H and M, Zara, Necessary Clothing, Banana Republic and the Gap.
Sunglasses: Armani Exchange Collection
Fedora: Don't remember
Are you more of a shoe, bag, jewelry, or clothing type of girl?
My shoe preference goes hand and hand with my clothing options, sometimes I will base my outfits on the shoes. So if the shoes don't work the whole outfit has to change

What do you think a Fashionista should always have in her closet and in her bag?
Every fashionista should always have Febreeze in their closet to maintain the clean linen scent of your clothes and "she" must also have a Tide pen in her bag for those unforeseen accidents that always seems to happen.

I love your hair and noticed that you are a fellow natural. How long have you been natural? Did you transition? Big chopped or have always had your hair in its natural state?
Thank you! I have been natural for about 6 years now. It was a simple transition, I just stop relaxing it! I did not have to do the mayo and eggs treatment that most claim to work and most importantly I did not have to cut my hair.

What is your hair regimen like? Do you have a schedule for when to treat, style or take care of your hair?

I don't really have a hair regimen, but I will try to do a deep conditioner treatment once month or every two months.

What is your go to hair product that you just can't do without?

AVEDA, AVEDA!!!  During the summer months when I cannot wear my hair straight I use Mixed Chicks

How do you style your hair for work, out with friends or church etc? Do you like one particular style for your hair?

I love wearing my hair up in a nice full bun. I prefer to have my hair pulled back in a simple but very casual French roll or small bun for work. For church, I like to have it down in either curls or just straight.

What tips can you offer to a Nouvo Naturelle who wants to retain length or just wants to grow their tresses?

The trick to growing your hair is to "ignore it". When you over process your hair, I think it blocks the hair shaft from forming on the scalp. I really think if you want your hair to grow rapidly and healthy you need to let your scalp breathe by limiting the chemicals you put in it. I would recommend washing your hair every two to three months and moisturizing your ends not scalp with coconut oil. Our hair produces its own natural oils and all we need to focus on is preventing those split ends.

What are your thoughts about young Christian women who are into fashion, do you think there are boundaries, limits on what they wear?
I like how fashion has evolved in the church. I see more women embracing more looks that are different from the traditional church attire, which is fine, but I think we must be careful not to stray completely from what the Bible tells us. After all, we are set apart and we must not conform to this world. We must maintain the difference. If we take the time to wear beach appropriate attire to go to the beach then we must do the same for church. I really think red lips is too much for the church and fish net stocking are inappropriate.

* Photos captured by Lyn of NaturelleMe...*


  1. I absolutely love her hair!!! Her curls aren't dry which is one thing ive always feared!! She looks great

  2. I like her hair, shoes, bag, watch, shades, and jeans. I like it so much that I am going to copy.

  3. I see why this girl is Fashionasta of the month she has a great since of style

  4. You all are so kind,she would most definitely appreciate these comments. I know you all are gorgeous fashionistas as well.Just remember that. Thanks for commenting. Be blessed!


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