Sunday, September 23, 2012

False Lashes! Girl is that a pigeon on your eyes?

In the words of Martin Lawrence: 

Hope you are having a great day!
I have a comedic rant just to stir up something or to get you laughing, wherever you ladies are. Before I start, I just want to say I am not trying to offend anyone in anyway. Just sharing my random thoughts, and use my sense of  humor to make light of things. Sometimes we need a good laugh once in awhile to get our minds off of situations we might be going through.

Now let's begin!
I have been noticing that now a days most women are into wearing false lashes more than the God awful lace fronts. Even the commercials display the need for us to get some falsies or to achieve the look of full thick lashes.  Now we know good and well that the women in the Cover Girl, L'oreal and Rimmel commercials are all wearing fake lashes. Am I right?
" Have I been bamboozled? I thought that I would look like her, dang it MAYBELLINE! I put like 20 coats of your bat poop and I aint got that (singing) MAYBE ITS MAYBELLINE effect. All I end up getting is (singing)  MAYBE IT'S MAYBENOT!

Yes, purchasing those products to some folks might work, but who knows!. Maybe they already have thick long lashes and once the mascara is applied KAZAAAAAAAM they got big beautiful, full lashes.
Solange Knowles Rimmel London
Our little girls are wearing falsies before their training bras. For real? Yup,  and its not just on Halloween. There was one time at church, I saw one of my youths wearing some. That girl was batting or blinking her eyes so much I thought if we look in our hymnals that song would be rephrased just for her. Are you familiar with the tune " I'll fly away" you can sing it with me  it's " Sheeeeee's gonna fly away oh glory, she's gonna fly away. Those things on her eyes, oh my goodness that girl gone fly, oh lawdy she done fly  awaaaaaaay!" lol.
Who would do this to their baby? SMH
My goodness, I could not believe it. When church was done she came up to me to greet me. She said " Hey sister Lyn, how you doing?" I said "I'm fine, girl I'm fine !" and I couldn't help but ask. " Girl, where did you get those pigeons?" She was laughing and said " What are you talking about?" Batting her eyes even more. A gust of wind brushed my face each time she blinked.

She knew what I was talking about. ( I'm straight up with the youth in my church ). " It's lashes sister Lyn, lashes ! " I responded " I know what they are, why are you wearing it?" and she replied saying " I like them, they cute !" Mind you this girl is like 14 yrs old, she doesn't need any of that stuff. Not yet.

Man, these young bucks need to slow down and stop trying to be grown. Yeah it looked nice but it was taking away from her real beauty and made her appear older than what she is. She is still a child and I am gonna be quite honest I don't think girls around that age and younger need to be wearing that. Have you seen toddlers and tiaras? **crickets-eyes blinking**SMH *** crickets** (sorry couldn't find sound effects)
Source: photo from
They turn out to be the worst adults. This is sad!
As for our adult women, I feel that some go way over board with it or just don't know how to apply them. If you want them to look a little more realistic, get the individual ones not the thick ones that look like the janitors broom. Nawh man, we all know that the castor oil did not grow them overnight! Who are you trying to fool? You do not want to be looking like that drowsy elephant on sesame street:what's its name, yes  SNUFFALUFFAGUS! lol!!!!!
Source: Muppet wikia
Another sad thing is women who want to follow trends and want to get the real deal lashes which are fox fur or orangutan ( IDK I heard about the fox fur lashes though). Please if you can't financially, afford to keep current don't try the foul disguise out, by getting a Remy or Fremy Serbian or Indian weave and glue it on. That is a crime, a violation or whatever. Its just wrong. Keep the weave on the head not on the eyes, it wasn't manufactured for that. Come on now! RAAAAAAATID!

Lastly, I merely suggest that some of the ladies tone it down and let the peacocks, pigeons and  turkeys keep their  spot light or showcase their wings. They want to fly. I mean shine too. I am not knocking anyone who wear lashes or anything like that. Lashes are okay to wear,  just make sure that:

1. They are professionally or self installed correctly
(Go for individual lashes. They look more natural)
2. Go with your gut feeling, if they don't feel right or don't look right. Either take them off or fix it.
3. Don't you dare ask your frenemy or angry friend if they look lopsided they are most likely gonna tell you they look good.
4. If the lashes are super thick DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT try to maximize them  with 15 coats of mascara. We will assume you are sleepy or you are just resting your eyes, cause your eyes look closed all the time. I mean I saw movements but I thought you were fighting in your sleep.

I hope I didn't miss anything, If I did please do share !
I guess I will leave you all with this

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Feature of The Day: Marc of Haiti Engaging Youth (Hey!)

What's up everybody?
I hope all is well and that you're day has been a victorious one.
Today NaturelleMe... would like to present to you a new feature of the day. NaturelleMe... enjoys featuring people with great style but also loves to feature those who are making a difference in their community or around the world.

Meet Marc Antoine of hey! (Haiti Engaging Youth)

I was given the opportunity to interview an awesome gentleman who is part of a wonderful organization called hey! You will be amazed at what he and a team of other young men and women are doing to help the youth in Haiti. One youth at a time, with the heart, hands and feet of Christ!

Haiti Mission Trip.
I've heard so many wonderful things about the organization that you are involved in called hey!. I wanted you to tell me, for those who don't know. What does hey! stand for and what is it about?
hey! stands for Haiti Engaging Youth. Haiti Engaging Youth is about bridging the gap between the youth who live in Haiti and the youth who live abroad. We believe that the key to Haiti's renewal is in the hands of the youth. One way to strengthen the youth in Haiti is to collaborate with other Haitian youth diaspora and other youth around the world in general.

So, how did hey! get started? What motivated you all to come together to make hey! happen? 
hey! officially began in April of 2012. However, it unofficially was in motion immediately after the earthquake in 2010. Myself and Angelo Antoine went on a missions trip in the summer of 2010 after the earthquake.Later, Gary Joanis went on a mission trip to Haiti in January of 2012 as well as Phil Sainvil who went in March. Christelle Chery was consistently doing missionary work in Haiti both before and after the quake. All five of us were doing missionary work in Haiti separately, but we all had the same idea: to bridge the gap amongst the youth. We are all childhood friends, and so we came together in April to talk about our experiences, and out of that, hey! was born. 

What is your role in hey!? Did you have prior experience that has helped you manage and take this position?
For hey! I serve as the Ministerial Coordinator. I am responsible for the ministry and spiritual aspect of the group. I preach on behalf of hey! both here in the states and in Haiti. I am responsible for planning and implementing youth revivals and summer camps, fostering the spiritual growth of our group. I do have experience in ministry as I served as a youth leader in my church for 5 years, I am also the Project Coordinator for the Coalition of Young Christians of PA, where I organize crusades and such. 


In June 2012, you and a team of other hey! members went on a missions trip to Haiti. Now, how was that experience together and what did you all do? Any new projects in the works?

Yes, we went on our first exploratory trip to Haiti in June of 2012. The initial trip was to gather information, assess the needs of that particular community, and build relationships with the people there. While there I preached, we held a soccer tournament for the community, and provided medications for a local clinic. We are planning to go back to the community in the summer of 2013 and implement some of our programs which are a Tech Center/Library and a summer camp. 

hey! Team member and a few soccer players. Onlookers waiting to see the game.


Do you speak Creole or French fluently? The reason, why I ask is when you step foot into Haiti and people see you. They would think you are one of the Americanized Haitians who don't know a lick of creole. Did you get that reaction, were they surprised that you spoke in Creole ?
I do speak Creole fluently, and it was a shocker to many people in Haiti that I could speak and preach in Creole. I do not speak French, but I'm attempting to learn. I believe that as Haitian youth, it is imperative that we speak our native tongue of Creole, it is part of what identifies and brings us together as a people.

Where is hey!  based?
hey! is based out in Philadelphia. In the future we are looking to have several home bases across the tri-state area and in Haiti.

Since we are in Philadelphia, are you a Philly native, where are you originally from?

I am a native of Haiti. I was born in Haiti and moved to the states as a toddler. I have lived in Philadelphia for almost 22 years.

How does one become involved, partner-up or volunteer with HEY? Do you accept donations? What are acceptable donations and where to make it out to?

We invite all partnerships and ideas from everyone. The easiest way to contact us is to visit our website and subscribe.The website is You can also email us at with any inquiries or requests for partnerships. We do accept donations, and would appreciate the kind gesture. as we are currently raising money for our next missions trip in 2013. All donations can be made out to "Haiti Engaging Youth"

 A little birdie told me that hey! is having a fashion event. Now what is going on, when, how much, what time and where?
Yes, hey! is having a fashion show on October 27th, 2012 at Temple University at 7pm. We have great designers both for men and women who will be showcasing their work. We also have the hey! line which will be in the show.
It is a fund-raising fashion show and admissions will be $10 prior and more at the door. More information will be posted on our website, our facebook page, twitter(@HeyHaiti), and instagram (@HeyHaiti). 
hey! T-shirt. (Purchase here)

Are you all seeking models for this event, is there a casting call?
We had out first casting call on Tuesday September 11th, 2012. We had a great turn out, if we should need another casting call, the information will be up on our website. 

Now before we end our little session, tell me about your style. Do you style yourself, depending on your mood or do you just throw pieces on and call it a day?
I definitely style myself according to my mood and where I am going. Over the years my style has matured.I find myself less into sneakers and more into loafers. I like to be dressed up, and so most of my attire is from Banana Republic. 

What is your take on the current style of young Christian men who enjoy looking their best. Is there a limit?
I think that its great that our young Christian men take pride in their appearance. However, we must be careful not to be to mixed up into the style of the world. There is a thin line between fly and exaggerated. I believe that we can look fly and handsome as young men, but that we should not exaggerate. Church is not a fashion show, and we cannot let our dress distract people from our hearts.

Well said! Would you say that young Christian women have been keeping it modest or modesty no longer exist? 
Our Christian women are beautiful and have a great sense of style. However, like our men, we must make a sincere effort not to exaggerate and look like the world. Modesty does not mean you have to be dressed from head to toe, but that you are presentable from head to toe. Again, we cannot allow our dress distract people from our hearts. Keep on looking good ladies, do it with taste!

Lastly, how do you feel about women with natural hair? Do you think the current generation of Christian Haitian men or guys in general are accepting of it?

I think the natural look is beautiful. I think it works best for some than others. Unfortunately, some people who do go natural do not know how to maintain it, but if maintained properly, I think its great. Our culture should learn to accept it and love it, after all, natural is the original.
Hope you enjoyed this interview everyone and please, do stop by Check out what team hey! is doing.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Photo Of The Day: "Beam Me Up Scottie!"

Hey All!
I was playing with my camera and trying some still shots. I was going for the whole "look like she's floating in the air" kind of thing. Trust me, it was not easy. It took a load on me. You know what that means. I need to put the junk food down!
Top: Aeropostale, Jeans:Seven For All Mankind, Shoes: (leopard print flats) H&M

Here are a few snaps taken:
Try taking some of your own still shots of you "off the ground" and submit to stating your name and state. Your pics can be featured on my blog. Happy floating!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fashion's Night Out in Philadelphia!

Guess what's happening in Philly this and next week?

Yes, you guessed it. Its FASHION'S NIGHT OUT!
Starting Sept. 6, 2012 from 6 p.m. - 11p.m.
 I believe it will be Philly's first FASHION'S NIGHT OUT event.  I first heard about this event when it started in NYC 09'. (Gosh I miss home!) This year, Philadelphia is on the map and hosting it. Yeah!

There is going to be a few retailers hosting fashion shows, parties and many more. I have a feeling there will be a great amount of fashion bloggers and celebrity guest making appearances.
Don't worry there are more events going on from Sept.13-20th. For more info you can visit: or
Will you be going? 
Source: Theo Wargo/ Getty Images for Tommy Hilfiger

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Philly 2012 Global Fusion Music Festival.

A friend and I attended a music festival in July, in Philadelphia. I was going to blog about it that same day, but I was extremely tired. So late. I know and  I'm sorry!. I must say it was nice though. It was our first time going to music festival. I never really been to a music festival and I am so unfamiliar with the atmosphere.
There was lots of food, jewelry, clothing and tons of music.Musical guest included Elle Varner, Luke James, Kenny Latimore, Brandy just to name a few. I honestly wanted to see Brandy in person and hear her perform live and so did so many others who were standing behind me.

Unfortunately, when I arrived I didn't get a pic of Luke James up close. But, I did get to hear him perform "I Want You" way in the back ! Oh my, that man has such a beautiful gift. The tonality and range! His voice was so crisp and the real deal. None of that lip synch auto tune stuff.
It was scorching hot that day! I don't know how we managed to make it to the front in that heat. Surprisingly, we did not have any issues making it near the stage. We got there late and still managed to be that close before a crowd started growing. 

There were some folks I was unfamiliar with. Kendrick Lamar was one of them. Mind you I don't listen to rap. I have my reasons. I remember asking people " Who is that?" and they just looked at me and said " You don't know who that is?" I'm like "No, why you think I asked?" It was awkward, because everyone knew the words but me and my friend. The crowd was really feeling him.

  There were other guest appearances such as Kyla Pratt, Kenny Latimore, Tisha Campbell-Martin, AJ, Sheree from Housewives of Atlanta and the Crews family.
There were more celebrity guest, but I don't remember their names. Everyone was having a good time on stage. 

Finally, we got to see and hear Brandy on stage. Philadelphia showed her lots of love. She was so humble and such a sweetheart to her fans. She sung some of her popular classic tunes like  "I Wanna Be Down", "Full Moon", "Long Distance (a dedication to Whitney Houston)". Lastly, singing her latest single "Put It Down" which was the crowds favorite. 

She did an impeccable job and sounds just like her recordings. REAL! I was glad I stayed and attended. This was actually one of my "Dream and Goals to Be Fulfilled" listed in my journal. It really did end up happening.  I should have wrote down to personally meet Brandy, do an interview and hang with her for a day. Hey, it never hurts to dream. lol!
I really think this is Brandy's season and if she keeps it up she'll do fine. Overall, I believe this event turned out really nice. I will admit I had a good time. Everything worked out smoothly. I hope next time I can go backstage and be granted access to meet, take pics and interview. That sounds really cool! 
Hope you all enjoyed viewing the pics I took.
Feel free to comment!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Naturelle Fashionista Of The Month!

Hi yall!
Hope you are enjoying your day off today. You all deserve it!
Today Naturelle Me... has a new feature that I would love for you to meet, it is this years FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH!
I had chance to meet up with this gorgeous natural to ask her a few questions.
As always,  I had to do a little photo shoot and capture a fashionable moment in NYC. 

Here's what we talked about. Enjoy!

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York

Describe your style.
My sense of style varies, I will wear a preppy look one day and the next day I will choose to go with either a classic or rock look. I love clothes and whatever, grabs my attention. That's the look i will go for!

What is your favorite style for Fall 2012?
The thing I love about the Fall is that sometimes you can still dress like its Summer with the option to mix your look with a sweater or jacket. I love wearing button downs and perfect fitting jeans.

What trend or color do you believe most folks will be rocking this Fall?

I believe this fall we will see a lot of cool and warm colors like burgundy, blue and mustard yellow

What trend are you sick of seeing this summer?
"Ill" fitted leggings or tights.
Bag: H and M, Shoes: LL Bean boat shoes, Watch: Armani Exchange
What are your favorite stores or brands?
My fave stores to shop now are H and M, Zara, Necessary Clothing, Banana Republic and the Gap.
Sunglasses: Armani Exchange Collection
Fedora: Don't remember
Are you more of a shoe, bag, jewelry, or clothing type of girl?
My shoe preference goes hand and hand with my clothing options, sometimes I will base my outfits on the shoes. So if the shoes don't work the whole outfit has to change

What do you think a Fashionista should always have in her closet and in her bag?
Every fashionista should always have Febreeze in their closet to maintain the clean linen scent of your clothes and "she" must also have a Tide pen in her bag for those unforeseen accidents that always seems to happen.

I love your hair and noticed that you are a fellow natural. How long have you been natural? Did you transition? Big chopped or have always had your hair in its natural state?
Thank you! I have been natural for about 6 years now. It was a simple transition, I just stop relaxing it! I did not have to do the mayo and eggs treatment that most claim to work and most importantly I did not have to cut my hair.

What is your hair regimen like? Do you have a schedule for when to treat, style or take care of your hair?

I don't really have a hair regimen, but I will try to do a deep conditioner treatment once month or every two months.

What is your go to hair product that you just can't do without?

AVEDA, AVEDA!!!  During the summer months when I cannot wear my hair straight I use Mixed Chicks

How do you style your hair for work, out with friends or church etc? Do you like one particular style for your hair?

I love wearing my hair up in a nice full bun. I prefer to have my hair pulled back in a simple but very casual French roll or small bun for work. For church, I like to have it down in either curls or just straight.

What tips can you offer to a Nouvo Naturelle who wants to retain length or just wants to grow their tresses?

The trick to growing your hair is to "ignore it". When you over process your hair, I think it blocks the hair shaft from forming on the scalp. I really think if you want your hair to grow rapidly and healthy you need to let your scalp breathe by limiting the chemicals you put in it. I would recommend washing your hair every two to three months and moisturizing your ends not scalp with coconut oil. Our hair produces its own natural oils and all we need to focus on is preventing those split ends.

What are your thoughts about young Christian women who are into fashion, do you think there are boundaries, limits on what they wear?
I like how fashion has evolved in the church. I see more women embracing more looks that are different from the traditional church attire, which is fine, but I think we must be careful not to stray completely from what the Bible tells us. After all, we are set apart and we must not conform to this world. We must maintain the difference. If we take the time to wear beach appropriate attire to go to the beach then we must do the same for church. I really think red lips is too much for the church and fish net stocking are inappropriate.

* Photos captured by Lyn of NaturelleMe...*

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