Saturday, June 7, 2014

RAW ARTIST: Designer and Art Work Feature (Part 1)

Wednesday evening was such an awesome night at the RAW natural born artist event. Artist from various parts of Philadelphia showcased their raw talented skills in art, photography, dance, music and fashion. I was in attendance along with my bud Marisa, to support my friend Marise Chantale, who is an extraordinary up and coming fashion designer.

I guarantee you'll hear and see more of her elegantly unique and fabulous collections. Hope you all love her work just as much as I do!

Here are the pics I was able to capture at the event:


Marise all smiles with her models in Marise Chantale Collection
Bumped into my fave Blogger and Stylist: Kia Denise of From My Style 2 Urs
Plus another friend of mine I was surprised to see, model and future stylist: Cassandra A. 
Marise adding finishing touches

Me with all the models. Of course everyone is taller than me. 
Kia Denise fixing the models shoes before ripping the runway

Models backstage getting ready to line up and strut on the catwalk.

Toni Toni Toni is giving me life. Girl you better...Yaasss gawd!

A model all smiles and ready to go on stage!
The host for RAW artist alongside the models for Marise Chantale Collection.

Designer: Marise Chantale
Hair Stylist: Salina Jordan
Stylist: Kia Denise
Makeup Artist: Nath Ma

Inquiries about garments visit


These are some of my favorites:

Krystal Simmons work is Kryzzy cool!

Oil Painting by Cara Roberts

Stay Tune For Part Two!

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