Friday, May 17, 2013

Naturelle Me... Hair Update!

What's up my Naturelle beauties. I hope all is well.

I know I haven't posted much on my hair, but today I am.
Hair update: I recently I had to do some cutting.

My mother's reaction! "Whyyyyy?"
Not too much though, well maybe just a little. My hair was almost armpit length in the front and in the back, just touching the pointy part of my scapular (shoulder blade bone). Now it is neck length. Here is a picked out fro pic comparison. (No blow drying )

                                         Then                            -n-                        Now
Well dang, I guess it was a good amount of cutting. My fro looks like it went on a diet. Oh yeah, I dyed my hair using a coloring system for the first time. I wanted something new. The very first time I really colored my hair I used henna. I think henna is really great for those who are hesitant on trying permanent coloring. The system I used was  Shea Moisture Hair Coloring System in Bright Auburn.
A closer look at the color in sunlight.
Thank God I didn't let it sit for too long, it would have been a brighter red. I'm not that bold yet.
I bought mine from Target. So yes, I paid for this with my own money. No! I don't get paid for this. I wish I was! lol.

Anyways, I cut my hair because I didn't make time for it,  like I should. My ends were horrible and I fell off my regimen. I had a lot of stuff going on, so busy. Yet, God has remained good to me. I had to start over and take proper care of it. To protect my hair I used extensions because I needed to focus on some work. Additionally, around that time I wouldn't be able to do my hair as much. 
I braided the crown and sewn extensions in the back.
When it came time to take them down I wore my hair out. A lot. I am trying to get back to properly taking care of my hair and let it grow.  I am giving myself a challenge in order to achieve this.
I think I am going to stop wearing my fro out so much and try to keep it in various twisted styles and buns. My mother always told me that in order to really see growth, "you gotta leave that hair alone" and don't expose it so much. But you know, when you see your hair grow so much, it's hard not to. You want to let it all hang out.

I'm not trying to say never wear it out, I'm just saying keep it to a minimum. Leaving your hair out 90-100% of the time, will make you have to sit at your mirror constantly detangling before wash day. Now you all know that detangling takes up time. You can cut up the detangling process just by keeping your hair tucked away from the exposure. I learned the hard way and witnessed chunks of hair attached to my comb after my hair was out all day. In addition to that I had to always twist and untwist. Goodness, I made my hands work.

I believe that now would be a good time for me to get some basic accessories such as hats and scarves. These items are good to protect your hair from the sun and wind. Especially when you have those bad, lazy hair days. 

I need to get back to increasing my water intake as well. I have to admit I fell back on that. Drinking water is essential for hair growth and will leave your tresses looking supple. It also helps in the consumption of those vitamins. Just think of a plant or a tree. In order for it to grow you have to water it or else it slowly dies or withers. Plus, those seeds that were sown are not going to grow on its own, it needs some water. 

Depriving yourself from water will lead to dehydration, and  leave your hair with split ends and dryness. You can tell when you haven't been drinking enough water if your lips are dry, your urine is dark, your skin looks gray, you get lightheaded or have a headache. 

I might go back to co-washing and using diluted apple cider vinegar from time to time. If my hair is really grimy or there is a ton of buildup I will use shampoo. I find that with co-washing (washing my hair with conditioner) my hair is moisturized and really soft.  One thing to remember when using conditioner it is good to work the product into the hair. I noticed whenever I go through sections, using my fingers to detangle (rather than a comb) and palms to smooth the product in my hair the curls really start to show.

Lastly, the oils and prayer. I think I am going to pray over my oils before applying it on my scalp. Not only for hair growth but for God to continually keep me under his anointing and covering. You laugh but I am serious. I believe in prayer. In fact in biblical times oils had many uses and it was always connected to healing. 

James 5:14-16  says: 
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.


The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:34
And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

These passages show how oils and prayer were used as medicine for wounds and healing. I believe that women are on the oil wagon because they are seeing results just by adding what God created. There are various oils with healing properties that can be used as treatment. For instance tea tree oil can work as an antibacterial agent which is better known to treat skin ailments such as acne, insect bites, sunburn or rashes.

I am going to make sure to pray more and massage my essential oils  to my scalp and seal my ends. Massaging your scalp helps with blood circulation and aids in hair growth. Oils that really penetrate the hair shaft are your coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil. You can use these as hot oil treatments for moisture and shine. At night, if you plan to pre-poo try using a plastic hair cap and place a hair bonnet over it. This works like a green house effect, it is locking that moisture in and allowing the oils that were massaged to the scalp to do some work. Get that baby growing. Then get ready to wash your hair in the morning.

That is just what I am going to do for now. I hope to keep track on my hair up dates and keep you posted. Till then if you have a challenge to share and results, please feel free to email me (Naturelleme (at) gmail (dot) com. I would love to hear and share your story.


  1. I have tryed Henna 2 weeks didn't take in my hair ..I want to try Shea Moisture hair dye. Bright Auburn..I'm really scared because its a permanent hair it safe to try Shea Moisture only 2 wks after Henna...

    1. I wouldn't recommend trying the Shea Moisture as of yet. I would definitely hold off until the hair grows the henna out. Although I am not a professional hair colorist or stylist. I truly believe it would be safe to take this route. What I would recommend is seeking a professional who specialize in coloring hair, they can tell you more. Hope I helped.


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