Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award.

1 Thessalonian 5:11
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in 
fact  you are doing."  (NIV)
Truly, it is wonderful whenever you receive encouragement and appreciation from others. It really motivates and helps you to continue doing your best at what you do. At the same time makes you want to return and do the same to the next person.

In the words of Voltaire :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

A  Naturelle beauty, follower and amazing blogger The Indie Byline paid my blog a visit to share some wonderful news. She, as well as other selected bloggers have been nominated with an awesome award. The Versatile Blogger Award. Yeah for Indie,CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for her. 
There's more!
I also received word that she has nominated me for the same award. 
How awesome is that?  So sweet of her!
Which is why I would like to humbly say THANKS to the one and only The Indie Byline for this nomination. It is truly an honor. You definitely got me smiling and dancing right now.

If you haven't seen this young woman's blog what are you waiting for? 
Stop by and check her out (click here).

Now, it's your turn to do the same. Here are the RULES:

 1.) Thank the Blogger who nominated you
2.) Share (7) Random Facts about yourself 
3.) Nominate (15) Fellow Bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly.
4.) Inform each Nominated Blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on their blogs
5.) Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

7 Facts About Me

a) I chopped my chemically straightened locks to accept the God given thick and cottony coils he originally gave me. 

b) I hate writing papers at school. I think it should be illegal, but I guess I have to like it
because now I am writing up blog post. Hence the word "like" but I "love" blogging. lol!

c) Music is another joy of mine. I gotta sing for God's glory.

d) I get amnesia only if necessary. lol! 

e) I love to laugh and make others smile. If someone were to try making me mad I will start praying for them. Then leave them standing in the corner wondering and asking themselves "What just happened ? Did I just get saved? ". Yup, ya did buddy. And we all say. Amenahhh! lol I crack me up! 

f) I speak Creole and English. Read a little French. Understand a little Spanish. Tried to learn Korean. Love Italian cuisine. Would like some Jamaican food right about now. Therefore I am mixed. Sike no, just kidding. I am a proud Haitian American who loves all cultures.

g) I'm allergic to negativity. It is contagious when you let it come near and linger around. So I surround myself with positive folks and the word.

 Off to the nominees.
The Nominees are: 
( I always wanted to say that)
1) MoMoMod 

So happy to be connected with these wonderful women and hope that all of us will continue to support and encourage each other. Please check out this great group of fantastic women.
Thanks again to The Indie Byline for the nomination.

God Bless!


  1. I love your facts! Especially letter e, I think it's so important not to follow negativity up with negativity and I love that you pray for the souls that are so clearly lost :) And of course, I love that you're a fellow naturalista as well :)

    Haha I'm so glad I could make you happily dance!

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination. That was VERY VERY sweet of you. Glad you like my blog.


  3. Thank you for the award I am humble by that and I am going to post this on my blog, just give me a few second there lol.
    I love your 7 facts so great to find another Haitian-American in the blog sphere :)
    Have a blessed Saturday

    1. Aww Sophie you're welcome. Take your time, I don't think there is a deadline. You know we gotta stick and support each other whether in blogs or elsewhere.

      Thanks for accepting the nomination. God Bless darling!

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination - I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! You'r so sweet!

    1. No prob! You deserve it and I'm so happy that you are happy. Keep doing what you do and stay fabulous!

  5. Thank you for the award! It's nice to be recognized and supported by other bloggers in the community! Jessica L

  6. congrats! cute blog! and how cool you speak creole as well!!


  7. Thank you so much for the nomination!! ♥



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