Friday, November 30, 2012

Naturelle Me...Boot Feature From My Closet!

                 ​The fall is almost over and winter is near. So how about a little feature from my closet?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Fall Nail Look.

My late night simple design from last week, which to me gives a cool reflective look to your nails.

I used the dark Bordeaux wine color by the Color Workshop, which you can purchase at Walmart. It came with a set, but this was one of the few nail polishes a friend of mine gave to me to have. The white one you can pretty much get at your local Dollar Tree.

I had to use about 3 coats of the dark polish and let it dry. Draw a line from the middle working your way up from the cuticle to the top of your nail. If you have a stable hand you can draw your line by free hand. If you want your line to look super neat you can use a piece of tape for a much straighter line. Once it is all dry apply a coat of clear nail polish for it's finishing glossy look.

What's your favorite Fall nail look?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Naturelle Me... nominated for the Liebster Award!

I am just amazed at how the blog community has been embracing and being so supportive to one another. Especially to a newbie like me. I want to say a special and warm thanks to a beautiful fashion blogger: Courtney of Houston and Parsimony. This fashionable young, trendy woman has been nominated for the Liebster Award and has also nominated me. Go us, Yeah us (doing the running man!)
So, a big CONGRATS to her and once again thank you love! I really appreciate it! 
Houston and Parsimony you ROCK!

  • Post 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator has asked about you.
  • Create 11 more questions to ask bloggers you nominate. 
  • Choose 11 bloggers to nominate, you can't nominate the person who nominated you.These lucky bloggers must be told (through email/comment).

11 Facts About Me

1. I never had sushi before, until October 12' when I went to a buffet and tried it. I likey.

2. I would like to try acting, maybe be in a comedy or do a commercial. Please no reality TV! lol

3. When I was a little girl I wanted to do gymnastics. I only knew how to do cartwheels, but couldn't do a back flip to save my life.

4. Was part of the McDonald's Gospel Choir.

5. I own 3 wigs and only wear them if it is an emergency. (BAD HAIR DAYS ONLY)

6.I run. Only when I am about to miss my bus or train.

7. I wore braces and I think they're cool!

8. I've only been to 3 states. 

9. I will only eat Kelloggs Cornflakes if you add some sugar on it.

10. I love animal print, faux fur, white and burgundy this season.

11. My favorite tv shows growing up were The Cosby's, 227, Moesha, Charles in Charge, Happy Days, Family Matters, Ghostwriters, The Parkers, Gilfriends, Amen, Martin, Jamie Foxx and My Wife and kids.

Questions from Courtney

1. How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for about 7 months.

2. What made you want to start a blog?

I wanted to blog simply because I wanted to try something new that I never thought I would do. I was the type to always say I can't do this or I can't do that. This blog is a stepping stone for me, allowing me to see what I am capable of and how creative I can be.

3. How do you define your style?
I would define my style as Modest, modern, simplistic chic. 

4. What do you want your readers to get from your blog?
I would love for my readers to know that when it comes to fashion as young Christian women, we don't need to be revealing, grandma looking or need to have a million dollars to look great. We can still look great fully clothed. I also wanted others to get a glimpse of various people that inspire me. As well as share things I enjoy or whatever may come to mind when I put up my posting.

5. What have you learned about yourself/your fashion choices since you began blogging?

I've learned that my fashion choices since blogging is a bit more vibrant. Before blogging, I was never into color. Now, I find myself wanting every color of the rainbow in my closet.

6. What's your favorite thing to do?

Encouraging people.

7. What kind of music do you enjoy?

I prefer to listen to music that really gets me on the move and keeps me motivated. I can't bear to listen to songs that will leave me feeling revengeful,angry,depressed or has me cussing all the letters in the alphabet. lol. I love Gospel and Contemporary Christian. I use to enjoy R&B and neo-soul but I had to detox them out of my system.

8. Where's the coolest place that you've traveled?

If it is out of the U.S., I've only been to Haiti a few times when I was younger. So for now I would say Haiti. In the future or very soon I would love to travel to London and Africa.

9. How BIG do you want your blog to get?

If I could perfect several things i.e.time management and have all the right materials, I would want my blog to be noticed by gazillions. Hey, I have to think big, but in due time!

10. What's your favorite blog to read? (other than your own :))

Houston and Parsimony (oh, that would be yours), Indie Byline, meek n mild, hairspiration. Man, the list goes on to the point that if I were to mention them now I would have to be seen by a Dr. for severe carpal tunnel. lol.

11. How overcrowded is your closet!?
It's not quite there yet, so far I am running out of dresser drawer space. The bar that holds the hangers are not bent. So, I am not fully overcrowded.


1. Why did you decide to write a blog? 
2. How long have you been blogging? 

3. Describe your blog in one word. 
4. What are your favorite beauty products?
5.What are your favorite online shops?
6. Who is your style motivator?
7. Besides blogging what do you like to do? 
8. What advice would you recommend to a new blogger?
9. What was your greatest accomplishment?
10.What would you like to expect in your life for the year 2013?
11. What was the nicest thing you've done for someone that made you a happy giver? 

My Nominated Bloggers: 
(Check them out!)

So that's it folks.
Please check out these phenomenal  bloggers. Click click!

God Bless.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award.

1 Thessalonian 5:11
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in 
fact  you are doing."  (NIV)
Truly, it is wonderful whenever you receive encouragement and appreciation from others. It really motivates and helps you to continue doing your best at what you do. At the same time makes you want to return and do the same to the next person.

In the words of Voltaire :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

A  Naturelle beauty, follower and amazing blogger The Indie Byline paid my blog a visit to share some wonderful news. She, as well as other selected bloggers have been nominated with an awesome award. The Versatile Blogger Award. Yeah for Indie,CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for her. 
There's more!
I also received word that she has nominated me for the same award. 
How awesome is that?  So sweet of her!
Which is why I would like to humbly say THANKS to the one and only The Indie Byline for this nomination. It is truly an honor. You definitely got me smiling and dancing right now.

If you haven't seen this young woman's blog what are you waiting for? 
Stop by and check her out (click here).

Now, it's your turn to do the same. Here are the RULES:

 1.) Thank the Blogger who nominated you
2.) Share (7) Random Facts about yourself 
3.) Nominate (15) Fellow Bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly.
4.) Inform each Nominated Blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on their blogs
5.) Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

7 Facts About Me

a) I chopped my chemically straightened locks to accept the God given thick and cottony coils he originally gave me. 

b) I hate writing papers at school. I think it should be illegal, but I guess I have to like it
because now I am writing up blog post. Hence the word "like" but I "love" blogging. lol!

c) Music is another joy of mine. I gotta sing for God's glory.

d) I get amnesia only if necessary. lol! 

e) I love to laugh and make others smile. If someone were to try making me mad I will start praying for them. Then leave them standing in the corner wondering and asking themselves "What just happened ? Did I just get saved? ". Yup, ya did buddy. And we all say. Amenahhh! lol I crack me up! 

f) I speak Creole and English. Read a little French. Understand a little Spanish. Tried to learn Korean. Love Italian cuisine. Would like some Jamaican food right about now. Therefore I am mixed. Sike no, just kidding. I am a proud Haitian American who loves all cultures.

g) I'm allergic to negativity. It is contagious when you let it come near and linger around. So I surround myself with positive folks and the word.

 Off to the nominees.
The Nominees are: 
( I always wanted to say that)
1) MoMoMod 

So happy to be connected with these wonderful women and hope that all of us will continue to support and encourage each other. Please check out this great group of fantastic women.
Thanks again to The Indie Byline for the nomination.

God Bless!

Shoe Feature of The Month.Shoe Dazzle Review

Well if it isn't a surprise. Shoe Dazzle has now caught my attention. I recently decided to give it a try and order my first pair.
Now where is this shoe? 
Ah, there she is.

The Erin Shoe!
I wore these to the fashion show for the first time and surprisingly they were super comfortable the whole night. If I were to jump double dutch I could in these (Yup, I've jumped rope in heels before). The heels are 3.25 inches in height, so they are not too high and does fit well. 

Personally for me, when buying/ordering a pointed toe shoe I tend to go a size up if it looks narrow. Lord, knows my little piggies will not make it to the market and will certainly "cry weeh weeh weeh all the way home".
I normally wear a size 6 1/2 -7 depending on the make of the shoe. At times I manage well with a 6. For these I ordered a 7 just to be safe and I'm glad I made that choice.

It is a faux leather shoe but doesn't appear so faux or cheapy looking. Really nice and not stiff. It has pyramid studs which gives it a little edge, which I love.
The detailing and the stitching were well intact and made superbly well. No damages or skid marks at all. This is a great shoe.
These are almost similar to the Valentino shoes which if I had Valentino money I would buy them. But these would do for now. See the Valentino's below.
Source: Street Strut
Source: Polyvore
Source: Heavenly Glow
I love being a girl!

I gotta say I am glad I ordered from Shoe Dazzle. I thought I would have issues and get a cheap looking shoe in the mail. But, that did not happen. They shipped my shoe in a pretty pink sliding box with the shoe in a Shoe Dazzle dust bag and my invoice in case I want to return. No need for that, she's a keeper.
See for yourself at
Want to know how it works check this video below.

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