Monday, May 21, 2012

Meet Jasmine! Naturelle Me... Feature Of The Month!

Meet: Jasmine S. 
            I was given the honor and privilege to interview a young woman whose heart is made of gold, and whose spirit is as gentle and undeniably warm that it magnetically draws others to just remain around her. She knows full well that I wouldn't and just couldn't allow her to back down from this Natural Hair Interview, and that I will not take "no" for an answer. Lol! Jasmine is a fellow natural haired sister, who is always on fire for God and loves to encourage others to do and become the best that they can be.
Let me start off by asking you: where are you from?
I'm from Detroit, Michigan 
What do you do or are doing now? 
Right now I am a full time nursing student and I teach hip-hop dance.
So, Jasmine describe what your hair was like before you decided to go natural?
I have been natural for about 10 years. My hair was damaged from having a perm back when I was in the 8th grade. When the perm was applied, it was left in for too long that my hair began to shed and my scalp was left with burns. From that day, I decided to never get a perm again. I later began to cut my permed hair off, then abused my hair by using a lot of heat while I was in high school. My hair  suffered heat damage and I didn't know how to take care of it.So, I started wearing weaves and extensions a lot. It wasn't until college, which was when I got introduced into the natural hair epidemic. A friend had introduced me to go natural and other women who were growing long healthy hair in it's natural state. Let's say I learned a lot.
How did you feel about your decision of becoming a natural?
    At first, I was scared to wear my hair in it's natural state because of how people were so quick to say "you're nappy headed".  Plus, my hair is frizzy and it will shrivel up in a minute, so I was insecure about that.
What does being "Natural" mean to you? 
Being "Natural" to me means being who God made me to be and not pretending to be something I'm not. A long time ago, my mother used to tell me "You can't be like everybody else" and today I live by those words. Being natural means to be unique, to stand out in a way I'm predestined to stand out. Being natural goes beyond hair, being natural means to just be me. And be the best me I can be.
What motivated you to take on the natural route? 
My good friend (Lyn). I just loved how her hair looked when she wore it natural. I always was afraid of wearing my hair out, but seeing her confidence when she wore her hair in it's natural state inspired me. I was tired of hiding my hair under extensions. I would always miss my hair and at times forget what it looked like. (that's a shame right?) Also my step father is a fan of naturals, which gave me a really good support system.
Take us through a normal day with your hair. (Process or regimen or schedule if any) 
Well.....during school, I can't lie. I do wear twist with extensions, however when my hair is out I wake up and put water and oil on my hair and scalp, then style it. I shampoo my hair once a week and I use leave in conditioner after I shampoo. I deep condition once a month and I also use a leave-in conditioner in my daily regimen. It's that simple! That has got me to where I am today....healthy growing hair.
Describe your style. ( fashion, music, dance etc) 
Fashion wise, I am a woman who will wear a nice blazer with jeans and some banging heels. I am also the type of lady who will wear a stylish shirt, jeans, and some really dope kicks. I will wear a dress at times. I like halter top dresses that are form fitting and look classy. Sometimes I like being colorful, but earth tone colors are my thing. As far as music I like gospel of all kinds, as well as soulful, R&B, jazz, and old school music. 
I'm a dancer, so my style at times is very unique. I do hip-hop, but actually I am a modern dancer at heart, I like to do ballroom or anything fun.
What are some of your favorite protective and best hair styles? 
I love my sock bun and my twist. I don't exactly know my best hair style. I'm still experimenting!
What advice would you give to a new natural? 
Don't listen to people who talk negative about your hair, because 9 times out of 10, they can't do what you are doing. Keep experimenting and researching how to take care of your natural hair. There are plenty of videos available on-line. Become an expert on your hair and most importantly love yourself for who God made you to be. 
What hair goal would you like to attain? 
My hair goals are to maintain healthy hair and to reach Mid back length (MBL) by May 2013.
Favorite products 
My leave-in mix conditioner, Carols Daughter Rosemary mint shampoo, Giovanni products, Shea Moisture Deep treatment masque, castor oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil.
What advice or things would you have told your younger natural self? 
Don't be afraid to be who you were born to be. I would have told myself that my hair will be healthy in it's natural state and that it will take time to gain the length I want. Shampoo more often and condition your hair every week and that water is good for your hair.
What do you love about yourself and have gotten to learn about yourself?
I just love me! I love the person God is creating me into. It's showing on the inside and out. I love that I am myself no matter where I am and who I'm around.
Where do you see yourself making a difference? 
I want to make a difference within my community. I want children from the same type of community I was from to know that they too can have a better future and do not have to be a product of their environment. I want to be the one young women to look up to and trust. I want to give back not only to my community, but to somehow make a difference in the world. 
Share what has kept you growing, encouraged and going forward that would help another woman or young girl now, tomorrow and in the future. 
Jesus Christ and His word has kept me strong, growing, and encouraged. Without Him I would be a mess. I have been through a lot within my 22 years of life. However, through those trials and tribulations God has implanted blessings and for that I am grateful.
I would tell young women to find out what gives them hope and let that be their strength. For me it's God, but for others it may be something else such as family. I want them to know that their hope should be in something that is not tangible. God is the perfect example of that. I want people to know that He is my rock and the reason why I am able to share all of this with you all.
What makes you a NaturelleMe... Feature of the Month?
I am always NATURALLY myself and I express that through my actions, through my fashion, hair, my dances, my faith, and my character. I am NaturelleME...

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