Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Naturelle Me... Bag of the Day!

Omgoodness, the bag that I ordered came just in time before going out for a birthday treat with the girls. Man, I seriously needed a black bag and it was well worth the wait. The bag that I've been using since my senior year of high school has weathered many storms on my shoulder. I think a homeless person will dismiss it in a jiffy, that's how bad my bag is. Seriously you guys, when I have an item (bought or gifted) I wear it until it cant be worn anymore. I feel like they all have testimonies.
Well, anyways the other bag is slowly laying to rest. It is time to make room for a new bag in my life. (Cue tears and sniffling action and pass the Kleenex) lol. So long, farewell... 

Hello "Parisian"

 I purchased this bag at CLICK HERE. It is my first order with them and I must say I am pleased with my purchase. This bag is a great resemblance of the Celine Bag. For all you label lovers on a budget secretly searching for a good old replica that wont break the bank this will not disappoint. I mean, it really does resemble it.
I never liked this bag...until now. Celine Luggage Mini in Full Croco Khaki.
Photo Source: Pinterest
This bag runs in the thousands. Ooh Lord, I don't need that.
This bag will do. Only $39.95, what? That is a great deal, so worth it.
This bag is sturdy, slightly stiff but I'll manage after a few wears. What I love is that you can pull out the sides for the bat wings. That's when it really looks like a Celine bag. However, I wished it had the attachable straps and the handle, a bit longer.  Just a tad.

Any who, I don't care I'll still rock my Faux-line, its just as good. Especially on my pocket.

Here you can tuck the wings in, and yes you can zip it up. Oh one more thing, this bag has tons of room where I can carry my cam, books and other essentials I need when I am on the go. This bag also looks great when you go on interviews. Guarantees a job? Uhh...Well, I don't know about that, but if it has for you, then good for you. 

I think they just gained a really happy customer. :)


  1. Good bag! and grate choice :)

    Elena Maksudy

  2. Love the bag too. Have it in cherry and black. I love the black heels! Where from if you don't mind me asking?


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