Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Naturelle Hair-stoire.

I'm finally free!
I removed my braided extensions and let it all hang out. Yes! My hair. My crown of glory. My chocolate cotton candy mane can finally breathe.

I've been natural for approximately 3 years and regret that I allowed my hair to have a taste of that "creamy crack". It wasn't until my adolescent years, that I chose to get my hair relaxed. This was due to me thinking that my hair was just too much to handle when combing.  I was giving into the silky straight strands for easier management trend.
The Golden Natural Years!
Back in the days when I was a natural.
Getting my hair relaxed was a relief from all the tangles and knots that endured the tugging and pulling from the comb. It made my hair manageable and easier to style back then. However, later it left me with unwanted guest: Damage and her cousins brittle and breakage.
The excessive use weakened my hair so much that my hair was losing it's thickness, the edges were thinning and my hair did not want to grow past neck length. I was sending my hair to serious DamageVille.
Source: Stylish Care
Each time I saw new growth or my roots looking a little puffy, it was time for a touch up. My hair was definitely laid, but lifeless.  I was desperate for bone straight hair that I forgot to take proper care of my hair.
Less of this.
More of this.
With all that relaxing, I had to take a break in between. Which led to my encounter with "The Weave". My next habit. While I like wearing braids, it took me longer to put in. The sew-in's were easier for me to install and took less time.
The weave epidemic. I install my extensions too often and later learned to give my hair a break after removal.

But yet again, my addiction to weave was abuse to my hair. After I started my sew-in's it was hard to stop. Whenever I had my yaky, synthetic, straight or curly hair I felt like a completely different woman. It made me feel prettier and gave me a boost of confidence. Like every woman you want to look and feel pretty and that's what weave did for me.

I was wearing a different look almost every month and buying hair like nobody's business. My pocket was hurting too. But all the pulling and the tightness of the  threading took a toll on my edges. It grew everything else (slowly) but not my edges.


​I thought the tighter I sewed the weaves weft, the better and long lasting my style's would be. Boy was I wrong. My edges was paying a price and was not a far cry from having edges like Naomi Campbell. I had to stop there and say no more. I need to take better care of my hair. But how do I do that?

That's when the Lord comes in. He made me realize that I didn't need to do all of this to myself. It was as if I was showing God that what he originally made was not good enough. It was so clear that I know he was asking "Why are you altering what I gave you. If I wanted you to have straight hair I would have placed it on your head in the beginning." Then in 09' I entered my natural hair journey.

I did some research. Looked up the ingredients to hair products, watched video reviews and joined hair forums that would help guide me in the process. I began my transition getting rid of the relaxers, products with petroleum, mineral oil and sulfates. Started a schedule for washing, treatments and trimming. I did this religiously.

Then soon enough I grew impatient. I became scissor happy and slowly chopped my hair. It was tough doing that and hard to embrace.

Once that happened, I was scared to leave the house with my new hair. I wasn't ready for this. It took me sometime to accept it. So I hid behind a hat and wore braids, weave and wigs. However, this time I stuck with wigs because it was easier for me to let my hair breathe. Underneath my wigs I wore my protective styles with less tugging and pulling.
Especially when you see pictures of other naturals whose hair is down to there after using this product here or this product there. Just to let you know, you may or may not end up with the same results as others even if your hair texture is similar to the next person. Warning! you could end up a product junkie too, if you become desperate and want instant natural hair growth. Trust me, I was on my way there. All I can suggest is patience and like always less is more. Less manipulation to your hair and less products I guarantee you'll see growth.

After I got the hang of it, I then learned if you want healthy hair , health starts from within.  What you ingest also affects your hair, skin and body as a whole. I needed to adjust my diet and exercise. I drank lots of water and cut down on fried foods. It wasn't easy. There were a few bumps on the road but you need to go back and try again.
Healthy Curls under Flash lighting
Natural short hair blow dried, flat ironed and styled.
I became comfortable with the new look and tried different styles. It only became uncomfortable when people started to stare, point, snicker or talk about my hair. I hated it and had to control my thoughts and temperament. Cause Lord knows I had some King James Version stuff I wanted to say back but God held my tongue. Oooh did he hold it! Ignoring the negative comments  is the best thing to do.
Massive Shrink from Wash N Go July 2010
Major shrinkage!

Wooh child I straightened my natural hair with a flat iron!
My natural hair blow dried and flat ironed for trimming.
Me and my natural hair buddies. 
As for me taking the natural route. I didn't go into this journey to follow a trend. I went natural because God made me realize that what he created was beautiful to begin with. It was a tough one, but one I wouldn't regret.

No matter what your hair looks like just remember that it's just as beautiful as the next individual. Don't go about comparing and wishing to have hair like this one or that one. Love yours, its versatility and it's uniqueness. Indeed, we all are fearfully and wonderfully made.  And your hair is fearfully and wonderfully beautiful.



  1. AMEN!!! This is AWESOME! I enjoyed reading your post. Thank you so much for sharing on my Style Showcase link up.

    Do you have a section on your site that describes the products you use on your hair?

    More Modern Modesty

    1. Aww thanks Chandra! I love visiting and reading your post as well. I will talk about those products as soon as these classes are out the way. So glad you are back!

  2. Great article. When I take my extentions out everyone loves how much natural hair I have and they say it's so pretty. However I just don't have the patience to deal with it so I usually put my extentions back in so I don't have to deal with it! LOL. But one of these days I'll pluck up the courage to really start wearing my hair naturally... It will definitely save me $200 every other month to get it done! LOL

    Keep up the good work...

  3. You're such an inspiration. Hair styling is very popular particularly to woman because it gives us ways to make our hair look good and boosts our confidence. Sad to know that it didn't end up just like the way you wanted to. Anyway, I like when you said “...your hair is fearfully and wonderfully beautiful." It really is! #Wilma_Parker @


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