Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Church Outfit of The Day!

Happy Sunday Everyone!
   Hope you had a wonderful service today. I know I did, and it was a blessing. The sermon was titled Growth In Our Failure by Dr. Barry C. Black.  Passage read from Mark 14 vs. 66-72.
That word was so awesome, indeed whenever you encounter failure don't think it is the end. Get right back up and keep on going. Here is what I wore to service this morning!
 My favorite cardigan!
 Love oatmeal cookies! Yum...
Didn't want to wear my black pencil skirt, so I paired it with a red/coral skirt. I didn't feel like matching today!
 I just remembered I got some homework I need to be doing.
There was some sunlight for a few minutes and then it started to rain again.
Sorry for the quality, my camera decided to act up on self timer. But I got the pose in though!
Cardigan: Forever 21 Skirt: Thrift Store

Pray. Love. Laugh. Be blessed!
Naturelle Me...

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