Friday, March 30, 2012

Secure Your Wig

This week has been quite windy around my way. I should have been a little smarter and check the forecast before leaving the house. This is like the second time that this has happened to ME. You're walking out the house with your fave wig on and lo and behold the wind starts to pick up and try to take your wig with it.
I give y'all permission to laugh and I laugh about it to whenever I mention it. Look, I know the rule when it comes to wearing wigs. Yes, before leaving your home secure it with hair pins. I did that, but I guess that was not enough.

So here I am on my way to the train station and Mr. Wind decides to pick on me. "So what do I owe for this visit Mr. Wind? why are you trying to expose me today, hunh?" That wind did not pay me no mind what-so-ever and just did its own version of snuffing me upside my wig. lol, lol, lol that aint right lol! My goodness, you should have seen me. My hands all flailing in the air trying to hold this baby down. I was so mad, because I spent some time to make sure that this wig was secured enough to be wind proof. Hmm, you know what? That's it, there should be a windproof wig. Yup, I said it and whoever gets to making that you owe me a percentage because you probably got the idea from this blog right here. Super lol! (Ok serious face) I just didn't have time to get my hair done, there is so much work I had to do. School, work, home, church etc. Wigs are one of my protective styles it is my hat just until I retain the desired length.  Once that happens I can give up on all extensions and wigs. So ladies and gentlemen (yes guys too, I've seen some toupees and lace-front wearing men) secure your wigs with enough pins or wear a hat on top of it. 

Pray. Laugh. Love. Comment freely!


Naturelle Me...

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