Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Hair Debate.

"Hair is just hair!" is what I hear folks say. This is an on-going debate that has us wondering when will we come to a conclusion or common ground about our hair. Whether you bought it, fried it,chopped it, relaxed it, kept it natural there is always some issue about it. We all have our own opinion about the topic of "Hair". Watch this video and let me hear what you think.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Sister Pact

I feel that as I am getting older, my circle of female friends are getting smaller. I mean its o.k with me and doesn't really bother me much because sometimes less is better. I use to think that all my buddies (male and female) from high school will always be my buds forever. I found out that was a lie! It is not until presently that some of the friendships I've made while in college and maybe a few high school friends would be the most lasting. God has a way of placing people in your life for a reason and at times for a season.
He weeds out those who are after to see you fail or just unnecessary in your life. Most importantly he reminds you that he is the greatest friend of all who will keep you connected with his V.I.P.P (very important peculiar people) that will keep you in the path that destines you into greatness. You could read Titus 2:14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous for good works. As well as 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 
It is indeed possible to have a positive friendship with females (and of course males). Although the media displays that female circle of friends are either filled with drama, are jealous of each other, conniving, violent and calling each other out of their God given name. There are real friendships in the real world that are not even like this at all. I don't want to place most of the blame solely on the media but we can admit that some of the women share in that responsibility. We must be careful who we consider our friends and whom we associate ourselves with because it can be a reflection of your character to others. Even the bible gives us advice on this: Proverbs 22:24-25Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man,lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Proverbs 12:26 One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.Proverbs 14:6-7 A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
I believe if we are an encouragement to one another, becoming honest with each other or even take the time to be there for each other then that will make for a great lasting friendship. God has truly blessed me through the years with my friendship with others. He has surrounded me with able minded folks who are achievers, go getters, full of ambition, intelligent and beautiful inside and out. This is my sister pact.

Secure Your Wig

This week has been quite windy around my way. I should have been a little smarter and check the forecast before leaving the house. This is like the second time that this has happened to ME. You're walking out the house with your fave wig on and lo and behold the wind starts to pick up and try to take your wig with it.
I give y'all permission to laugh and I laugh about it to whenever I mention it. Look, I know the rule when it comes to wearing wigs. Yes, before leaving your home secure it with hair pins. I did that, but I guess that was not enough.

So here I am on my way to the train station and Mr. Wind decides to pick on me. "So what do I owe for this visit Mr. Wind? why are you trying to expose me today, hunh?" That wind did not pay me no mind what-so-ever and just did its own version of snuffing me upside my wig. lol, lol, lol that aint right lol! My goodness, you should have seen me. My hands all flailing in the air trying to hold this baby down. I was so mad, because I spent some time to make sure that this wig was secured enough to be wind proof. Hmm, you know what? That's it, there should be a windproof wig. Yup, I said it and whoever gets to making that you owe me a percentage because you probably got the idea from this blog right here. Super lol! (Ok serious face) I just didn't have time to get my hair done, there is so much work I had to do. School, work, home, church etc. Wigs are one of my protective styles it is my hat just until I retain the desired length.  Once that happens I can give up on all extensions and wigs. So ladies and gentlemen (yes guys too, I've seen some toupees and lace-front wearing men) secure your wigs with enough pins or wear a hat on top of it. 

Pray. Laugh. Love. Comment freely!


Naturelle Me...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shoe Of The Day: From My Closet

I know that I am not the only one who has this addiction of shoes, yes SHOES! High heels, kitten heels, platforms, wedges and flats. I like to dress my feet in these, it's the only accessory I could put on them. I think week by week I will make a habit of displaying and sharing my closet with you all.
Now brace yourselves, some of these are not as extreme but you might find them to be either simple or unique. I just think they match my personality and style. So here is my SOTD:

BAM! Can we say shoe stopping? These are one the most unique pair I own. I'm not saying I'm conservative in my style or fashion sense but I have my moments when I want to calm it down or cause a heart attack. Wait too harsh okay a knock you out moment.
I got these from H and M at a blessed price of $16.99. Yup, you can't beat that! Umm maybe, but I'm talking about these right now, so yeah! lol

"When I first saw them I already knew. There was something about these shoes, you look so good on my feet about now these sandals of mine" (singing it like Monica's "Angel of Mine" lol!) Tee hee tee hee, I felt that. Any ways, when I shop for something it really has to grab my attention, has to definitely speak my price (clearance or free, lol)  and will really be worth the wear.

My friends didn't like them at first when on display and had almost talked me out of buying them. Child, puh-lease! to think I was actually gonna do that, heavens nawh! I said I'm gonna give them a chance, because most likely when I get back on campus or go home I'm gonna be mad at myself; regretting that I didn't get them. Trust this happened before at Payless when I saw a pair Alice & Olivia boots and these girls were Boss! I mean so Boss that the devil himself would have repented and got baptized that same day!

 I just love the play of color and mixture of the peek-a-boo FAUX snake skin. By the way, I was wearing these outside and my heel dug into that grass. So the heel has not lost its color, its just some dirt. These look great when worn with skinny jeans, harem pants, cigarette pants, skirt or dress. Hopefully, next time I will post some pics of my outfit paired with these shoes. Till next time fashionistas. 

Forever 21 with Friends

There is nothing wrong with window shopping around with friends and taking pictures at your favorite store. Lol!

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