Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Excuse Me, Please Don't Touch My Hair!!!

So as I start to wear my hair out, people and their hands find themselves landing on my hair.Take a good look at my face.
Not cool at all!

My step-dad loves natural textured hair. This I know.When I came home from school, I went to visit him and he hugged me and touched my hair and I can't lie, I had reflexes that could have knocked him out.
I politely said "Could you please not touch my hair?" He laughed and asked me "Why?" and I simply told him that I didn't like it when people touch my hair. He proceeded to play around and try me. I love my daddy but........
Don't touch my hair!

2nd scenario- A family friend who hasn't seen me in awhile came up to give me a hug and said "What are you growing dreads or something?' Then he touched my hair. I looked at him, slapped his hands from my hair and said "NO!! they are not dreads, it's called a twist out and please do not touch my hair again"

The 3rd scenario was when I was driving home from dinner with my biological dad. I was talking to him in the car and I told him how I don't like people touching my hair, not even people I know. So what does he do? You got it! He touched my hair and laughed about it! All of this happened in one week.
The reasons why touching my hair is not cool:
1. It's a part of my body, which means if I didn't give you permission don't think about reaching for it.
2. Where has your hands been?
3. I put in a lot of work to style my hair and I don't need you to mess it up.
4. Just because it's real, does not mean you can touch.

I just don't understand why people can't just look. They feel as though they need to touch. This one Caucasian girl said to me once "Wow, you hair looks like pasta noodles. Can I touch you hair?"(moment of silence please.......................................................................................................) SMH. Well at least she asked, however I still said no. Touching my hair without permission is a violation!

Whoever is reading this, I'm certain that you wouldn't want people to touch your hair after all your hard work into styling it and getting it just right. So with all of this said "Please do not touch my hair!" and we won't have any problems.
By: Jasmine Skinner

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